Industry Links
As a service to our members, below is a comprehensive listing of helpful industry websites.
Textile Publications
Textile Colleges and Universities
These educational institutions offer courses and fields of study in textiles.
Gaston College Textile Technology Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
Institute of Textile Technology
International Textile Center – Texas Tech University
Other Links
Advanced Textiles Source
Fills the gap between highly technical information and consumer-oriented articles, and covers the range throughout the supply chain from research to end product.
Bureau of Economic Analysis
National income accounts, gross domestic product.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Data includes national, state, local employment, hours, and earnings by industry, producer price index, consumer price index, import/export price index, and productivity.
Federal Reserve
Industrial production and capacity utilization, foreign exchange rates, interest rates, consumer credit.
Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA)
Import and export statistics by category and country.
United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census
Data includes retail and wholesale sales, housing starts, new housing sales, manufacturing shipments and inventories.